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123 Career Test 2022

This 15-item assessment has students look at pictures of people on the job and select one activity they prefer/one activity they do not prefer from a group of 4 pictures. Their answers help identify their Holland personality code, and what types of occupations pair well with their interests.

9th-12th Grade Employability Skills Rubric 2012

This assessment grades students on their employment readiness in the areas of preparedness, personal responsibility, and productivity.

A Functional Assessment and Curriculum for Teaching Students with Disabilities 2008 This collection of assessments helps teachers identify functional skills to target for instruction. It determines what a student's areas of strengths and needs are with regards to interpersonal skills, independent living, and functional academics.
A Guide to Assessing College Readiness 2009 This 25-item rating scale measures a student's readiness for postsecondary education.
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System 2015 This assessment measures adaptive skills and identifies areas of strength and weakness.
Adolescent Autonomy Checklist 1987, updated in 2018

This 105-item checklist rates the student's ability to complete independent living skills and identifies areas in need of additional instruction.

AIR Self-Determination Scale (Educator) 1994 This 27-item scale assesses self-determination. This version of the AIR Self-Determination Scale is for the educator to complete.
AIR Self-Determination Scale (Parent) 1994 This 27-item scale assesses self-determination. This version of the ARC Self-Determination Scale is for the parent to complete.
AIR Self-Determination Scale (Student) 1994 This 27-item scale assesses self-determination. This version of the AIR Self-Determination Scale is for the student to complete.
ARC Self-Determination Scale 1995 This scale is a student-reported survey/questionnaire that consists of 72 questions addressing four areas of determination: Autonomy, Self-Realization, Self-Regulation, and Psychological Empowerment.
Attainment Pre ETS Assessment Package 2018 This manual consists of reproducible documents that assess the 5 WIOA required activities.
Basic Skills for Community Living 1996 This assessment is designed to assess functional community skills for students with visual impairments or severe developmental delays.
Becker Work Adjustment Profile- BWAP-2 2005 The BWAP-2 is a practical rating scale related to four work-related areas that offer insight as to what types of support or level of assistance/aid the individual might need to be successful in the workplace.
Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale-3 2022

This assessment is designed to measure the behavioral strengths and needs of students from multiple sources (e.g., the student, educators, and parents/guardians). 

Brigance Transition Skills Inventory 2010

This 136-item assessment is curriculum-based and measures a student's strengths and needs in a variety of transition domains.

California Career Zone 2008 The California CareerZone assessment allows you to take an assessment to identify what you may be interested in doing for a future career. It includes other resources for finding postsecondary education options and making a savings plan.
Career Ability Placement Survey (CAPS) 2015 The CAPS assessment has students identify their abilities and how they relate to career clusters.
Career Bridge 2016 This assessment uses a checklist of personal qualities, preferred activities and preferred subject areas to determine an individual's career interests.
Career Clueless Students circle subjects and activities they prefer to help them identify their RIASEC career code. RIASEC refers to six personality types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional.
Career Cluster Interest Inventory 2005 This survey or questionnaire helps students discover which of the 16 Career Clusters the majority of their interests lie to help plan for their future.
Career Clusters Student Interest Inventory 2005

This assessment consists of 16 sections, with each including 3 sub-sections: activities that describe what I like to do, personal qualities that describe me, and school subjects that I like. Students circle the statements that describe them and calculate the total number in each section to identify the cluster that best aligns with their preferences and interests.

Career Cruiser N/A

A career and education planning tool that has self-assessments, workplace skills, information about jobs in science and biotech, financial aid, and goal setting for the future.

Career Decision-Making System-Revised 2005

This assessment helps students identify their occupational interests and values.

Career Interest Survey N/A

Has students select their preference between two different work activities to identify a career field of interest. Written at a 6th-grade reading level.

Career Interests, Preferences, and Strengths Inventory 2012

This assessment gives students the opportunity to explore various careers and connect their own strengths and interests to real career options.

Career Key Discovery 2016 This assessment helps students narrow down career interests and select careers and/or college majors that match those interests.
Career Occupational Preference Survey 2019

This interest inventory is designed to be used with individuals grade 7 and beyond. It assesses career interests and assigns a career cluster based on the student's responses.

Career Orientation Placement & Evaluation Survey (COPES) 2019

The COPES assessment measures students values and how they relate to the workplace.

Career Quiz Not stated This assessment has students identify preferences, interests, and personality traits to target career fields of interest.
Career/Job Comparison 2016 This comparison-based questionnaire helps students compare features such as the requirements, salary, and location of two potential jobs.
CareerOnestop Interest Assessment 2022 This 30-item assessment has students rate statements from strongly dislike to strongly like to identify careers that align with their interests.
CareerOnestop Skills Matcher N/A

A self-ranking scale of work skills that the student fills out to get job suggestions.

CareerOneStop Work Values Assessment 2015

This 36-item inventory identifies students' workplace values, and pairs those results with potential careers based on the Department of Labor's five "job zones".

Casey Life Skills Assessment 2009

A 112-item assessment that has students rate their competency in the areas of community participation, financial management, personal management, technology skills, employment, postsecondary education, and independent living.

CBSP: Community-Based Social Skill Performance Assessment N/A The CBSP assessment will allow you to accurately assess your students social skill performance in the home and in the community, providing you with the essential data required to establish an appropriate, individualized curriculum. The test uses verbal role-playing and multiple-choice responses to provide valuable information about your students in just 45 minutes. The CBSP assesses social and anti-social behavior and self-control.
Changing Roles 2011 This 19-item tool assesses basic health care skills and helps families create a plan for teaching these skills.
Checklist of Adaptive Living Skills (CALS) 1992 The Checklist of Adaptive Living skills measures students' adaptive living skills for anyone birth to 40+.
Children’s Assessments of Participation and Enjoyment/Preferences for Activities of Children (CAPE/PAC) 2004 A 55-item questionnaire designed to examine how children/youth (ages 6-21) participate in everyday activities outside of school classes. It provides information on the dimensions of participation. Its companion, the Preferences for Activities of Children (PAC), taps into the 6th dimension of participation, children’s preferences for involvement in each activity.
College and Career Competency Framework 2013 The College & Career Competency Framework assesses students' social emotional skills and needs.
College Planning Worksheet 2018 This assessment asks students to consider what they need to get done in order to successfully transition into a postsecondary education setting.
College Readiness Assessment Not listed This assessment has students identify what foundational skills they currently have, and what skills they need to improve upon to be successful in college.
Community Based Functional Assessment for Transition Aged Youth 2014

A detailed packet that combines observations and rating scales to determine levels of functioning in life skills, community involvement, social skills, and health and safety.

Community Work Site Student Learning/ Training Site Evaluation 2009 An assessment completed by a job-site supervisor to assess the student's skills within the workplace.
Community-Based Skills Assessment 2014 This assessment, designed for students aged 12+, includes a planning tool that gathers basic info about the student, followed by an observational functional skills assessment and an interview portion. The assessment questions are differentiated based on the student's age, and measure their level of independence on each skill as well as how many environments they have generalized the skill to.
Comprehensive Functional Assessment of Direct Care Independent Living Skills 2020 This assessment has family members, teachers, or direct care workers read statements related to independent living skills, and rate the student's level of independence on a 5-point scale (1- Physical prompt to 5- Self-Reliant).
Comprehensive High School Transition Survey Not listed This 20-item informal survey assesses a student's preferences for post-school outcomes and identifies areas of strength as well as barriers.
Conover Assessment and Skill Building 2018 Conover Online is a cloud-based assessment tool that assesses the 5 required Pre-ETS services under WIOA.

The COPS-PIC assesses career interests for students with reading or language difficulties, low academic or career motivation, and non-English speaking adults.

Digital Literacy Assessment These computer-based assessments test students' digital literacy skills in 15 domains.
DISC Personality Test 2023 This assessment has student read four statements (28 total groups of statements) and identify what is most like them or least like them, to get a personality score.
Employability Skills Rubric N/A

Allows the supervisor to rate essential workplace skill indicators to evaluate student workers. Includes data sources, summary and next steps.

Employability/Life Skills Assessment Not stated This 24-item checklist rates an individual on how often he/she accurately and efficiently engages in work-related behaviors as well as interpersonal skills, and creates a performance profile that can be updated and compared yearly.
Employee Social Skills Checklist 2012 This 14-item checklist is designed for teachers and job coaches to observe the student at a job site and rate how effectively the student uses the social skills required for that job. This assessment is available in The New Transition Handbook on page 29, form 2.4. The New Transition Handbook by Carolyn Hughes and Erik W. Carter (2012, Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.)
Employment Support Indicators 2021 This assessment was designed to assist self-advocates families, and professionals to plan for potential employment supports and accommodations for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Enderle-Severson Transition Rating Scales 2021 This rating scale, which ranges from 47-272 questions (depending on the version), rates the student's abilities and identifies desired outcomes for their future.
Environmental Job Assessment Measure (E-JAM) 1999

This 47-item checklist is designed to help service providers identify employment placements and accommodations.

Envision IT 2019 An evidence-based college and career readiness curriculum for students with disabilities.
Field-Hoffman Self-Determination Assessment Battery 2004 This 92-item assessment measures a student's self-determination by rating how closely a variety of statements align with the student's beliefs.
Financial Literacy Inventory 2010 This 60-item assessment addresses financial literacy and money management.
Find Your Strengths! Not stated This 56-item computer-based assessment has students read statements and identify whether the statement does or does not describe them to find their top three intelligences.
FISH: Functional Independence Skills Handbook 2003 An assessment book designed for students with more significant needs that assesses students' functional capabilities.
Functional Skills Transition Assessment N/A

Three different levels of surveys determine competency in areas including supported employment, daily living, health and physical care, leisure, mobility, money skills, social, workplace readiness, and specific skills.

Health Care Transition Readiness Assessment for Students This health care transition readiness assessment is intended for students and their family/caregivers to compete as part of IEP transition planning meetings. If a student is unable to fill out this form, the student can complete it with the help of their family/caregiver.
Health Care Transition Skills Checklist (PEATC) The Health Care Transition Skills Checklist has students rate their ability to take care of healthcare needs from being independent (can already do) to needing support (ongoing support needed).
Holland Code Career Test 2021 This computer-based assessment has students identify their level of interest for different statements. Based on how they score, it will give them career interest areas based on their preferences and interests.
Home Inventory Form 2002 This 11-item inventory helps students identify resources in their community, what barriers they may encounter, and potential supports. It is located in the New Transition Handbook on page 29 as form 2.5.
HomeTalk: a Family Assessment of Children who are Deafblind 2011 This assessment is designed to help identify the strengths, interests, and personalities of individuals who are deafblind.
Improving Your Study Habits Not listed This quick assessment asks students to identify what study habits they already do, plan to do, or are not interested in doing.
Independent Living Postsecondary Goal IEP Team Decision Assistance Form 2012 This assessment has educators read statements and identify whether the student possesses the skill. This assessment is a Word document.
Independent Living Scales 1996 This assessment measures the ability of individuals aged 17+ to live independently and complete daily living activities.
Independent Living Skills Checklist (Michigan DoE) 2018 This assessment consists of 15 checklists in which teachers/parents/guardians identify what independent living skills students can do with assistance, to what they can independently do.
Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire Not stated This 44-item assessment has students read statements and choose an answer that most aligns with their preferences to identify their learning style.
Informal Assessments for Transition Planning 2013 A collection of 52 informal assessments covering 11 transition domains.
Informal Assessments for Transition: Employment and Career Planning 2007

This book is a collection of 60 informal assessments related to career planning. These assessments address the areas of interests and preferences, abilities and skills, career exploration, and finding and securing a job. This book is the first in the Informal Assessments for Transition series.

Informal Assessments for Transition: Independent Living and Community Participation 2008

A collection of 65 informal assessments in the areas of self-advocacy, self-determination, interpersonal skills, daily living, and transportation and mobility. This book is the second in the Informal Assessments for Transition series.

Informal Assessments for Transition: Postsecondary Education and Training 2008 A collection of 64 informal assessments in the areas of self-determination, setting "big picture" goals, planning for postsecondary education and training, academic skills and support needs, and nonacademic skills and support needs. This book is the third in the Informal Assessments for Transition series.
Interests Quiz Not stated This 44-item computer-based assessment has students read behavior statements and identify how often they engage in said behavior to identify potential careers of interest.
Inventory of Entrepreneurial Interests 2020 This assessment has students read statements and identify if they have family or friends who work in career fields, and which three career fields are of interest to them.
iTransition Not stated This computer-based assessment is designed for students, families, and educators to guide the student through what to expect during the transition years, as well as activities the student should focus on based on their preferences, interests, needs, and strengths.
Job Analysis Survey 2005 This 24-item job analysis form is intended to be used when observing a student at a job site and allows the educator or job coach to identify all of the requirements of that job.
Job Observation and Behavior Scale 2001 This 30-item scale measures the extent to which an individual can perform necessary job duties and the amount of support required for each task.
Job-Related Skills Assessment 2003 This 40-item assessment rates the student's performance on a variety of work behaviors and tasks.
JobTIPS Social Skills Assessment 2011 This 31-item assessment includes both a self-assessment form and a form to be completed by someone who knows the student well. It assesses how often the student engages in appropriate social skills such as using greetings and using appropriate body language.
Learning Styles Online– Learning Disabilities (LD) Pride 2000

This 30-item assessment has students read statements and respond whether it's a lot like them to not like them in order to find out their learning style.

Milestones Autism Resources: Tool for Transitioning to Adulthood Not stated This tool has students consider their vision for their life as an adult across transition domains. It has them think about their current situation, and what they need to work on to become more independent.
Minnesota State Career Cluster Interest Survey 2005

An online survey where students choose activities, personal qualities, and school subjects that result in a report of matching career clusters and job suggestions.

Multiple Intelligences Test 2005 This 70-item assessment has students read statements to identify how closely they agree with the statement.
My Plan – Career Values Assessment 2023 This 20-item computer-based activity has students rank job characteristics and their level of importance to the student.
New Parent Transition Survey 2014

A 22-item survey that addresses the areas of postsecondary education, employment, independent living, financial management, transportation, and recreation and leisure.

Northstar Basic Computer Skills Certificate 2016 This website offers a collection of situational assessments related to computer use and provides a certificate of completion when all of the modules have been completed. Curricula to teach the concepts covered in the modules are also included on the website.
O*NET Career Interest Profiler 2012 This 180-item questionnaire assesses career interests.
O*NET My Next Move Not stated My Next Move has students read 60 statements and determine how they feel about each--from strongly dislike to like. Based on their answers, it will suggest career interests  and categorize jobs based on the anticipated level of education.
O*Net Work Importance Locator Not stated An assessment that allows students to identify work values that are important to them. They rank six value areas, including: achievement, independence, recognition, relationships, supports, and working conditions.
Occupational Aptitude Survey and Interest Schedule – 3rd ed (OASIS – 3) 2001 Designed for grades 8+, this assessment helps students identify their career aptitudes and interests and find careers that align with their strengths.
Parent Interview Form 2018

A four page list of questions for the parent to answer, including their child’s daily living, social, communication, academic, rec/leisure, community and work related skills.

Parent Survey of Student’s Academic-related Skills 2013 This 32-item rating scale asks parents to rate the student's academic-related abilities by how much support is needed for each item.
PEATC Life Skills Checklist 2021 The Life Skills Checklist helps transition-age students, their families, and IEP Teams to determine the current level of support needed for independent living and life skills.
Personal Preference Indicators 2006 This 40-item questionnaire is designed to be used for students with severe and profound disabilities. The questions are answered by someone who knows the student well and can indicate his/her preferences in different domains.
Pictorial Interest Inventory Not stated This assessment should be used for students with severe and profound disabilities. This short sorting assessment has pictures for eight careers, including automotive, clerical, food service, custodial/housekeeping, landscape/building trades, materials and handling, caring for others, and retail. Students identify which pictures are of interest to them and then it is calculated which career path(s) the student would like to pursue.
Picture Interest Career Survey 2011

This reading-free assessment helps determine an individual's preferences for types of careers. Because there are no verbal requirements, this assessment is appropriate for a range of abilities, including students with limited/no reading abilities and students learning English as a second language.

Preferences for Leisure Attributes Assessment 2009 The Preferences for Leisure Attributes Assessment is a pictorially-supported, computer-based assessment that has students show a preference between two recreation & leisure activities. Students choose from a variety of activities, and the results let you know what types of activities students prefer (e.g., categories, locations, equipment needed y/n, costs, etc.).
Princeton Review – Career Quiz 2022 This 24-item quiz has students identify preferences to narrow down a career field of interest.
Quality of Life Questionnaire 1989 This questionnaire has 15 areas of questions and measures an individual's perceptions of his or her quality of life. It is appropriate for use with individuals with and without chronic conditions.
QuickBook of Transition Assessments 2005 This tool includes a multitude of transition assessments that can be completed by students, families, and teachers across transition domains.
Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory – Third Edition 2000 A nonverbal, pictorial test that highlights job tasks to help individuals discover what they might be interested in doing.
RIASEC Inventory 2008 This 72-item preference assessment matches work activity statements to potential careers, and suggestions are provided for further career research.
Rubrics for Transition III: For Autism Spectrum Disabilities Printed Manual 2021 This assessment tests students with autism spectrum disorder in four areas including Verbal and Nonverbal Communication, Social Interaction, Restrictive – Repetitive Patterns of Behavior, and Miscellaneous.
Secondary School Success Checklist 2013 This 106-item scale assesses the domains of personal management and social/interpersonal skills.
Self Help and Functional Skills Checklist 2008

A checklist of independent living skills for students with disabilities. It includes task analyses of getting dressed, eating and making food, hygiene, and social skills.

Self-Advocacy Skills Questionnaire 2007

An assessment that consists of questions that the student,  parent/guardian, and the teacher answer to help identify the student's level of self-determination and self-advocacy readiness skills.

Self-Determination Checklist Educator Assessment 2008 A short checklist for educators to complete over areas of self-determination and independent living.
Self-Determination Checklist Parent Assessment 2008 A short checklist for parents to complete over areas of self-determination and independent living.
Self-Determination Checklist Student Self-Assessment 2008 The Self-Determination Student Self-Assessment has students assess their areas of strength and need related to self-determination skills.
Self-Determination Inventory: Adult Report 2017 The Self-Determination Inventory: Adult Report asks adults questions about how they feel about their ability to be self-determined- to make choices, set and go after goals, and make decisions.
Self-Determination Inventory: Parents/Teachers 2017 This computer-based assessment measures a teacher's or parent/family member's perception of a young person's self-determination. Questions are about goal-setting, decision-making, and choice-making skills.
Self-Determination Inventory: Student Report 2017 The Self-Determination Inventory: Student Report asks students questions about how they feel about their ability to be self-determined- to make choices, set and go after goals, and make decisions
Self-Determination Student Self-Assessment 2008

A short checklist for students to complete in the areas of self-determination and independent living.

Self-Directed Employment: A Handbook for Transition Teachers and Employment Specialists 2002

This handbook includes pictures which can be used to determine career preferences for students who are nonverbal or who have more communication needs. The pictures can be downloaded for free at the website.

Shortened Work Study Evaluation Form N/A

A one-page form for worksite supervisors to rate student employees on eight essential skills.

Social Interaction Observation Form 2012 This form may be used to observe a student's social interaction and record who the student is interacting with and the length of interactions.
Social Networks: A Communication inventory for individuals with complex communication needs and their communication partners 2012 This assessment is designed to help providers and families identify communication strategies for individuals who have complex communication needs.
Social Skills Improvement System Rating Scales 2008 This assessment rates a student's performance on social and academic skills.
SSP: Job-Related Social Skill Performance Assessment Tool N/A In just 45 minutes, you can learn essential information about your students using the verbal role-playing and multiple-choice responses found in this job-related assessment instrument. Test results will allow you to accurately assess the strengths and weaknesses of a student’s social skills performance in various work settings so you can establish an appropriate curriculum and a targeted transition program for each student.
Strengths & Weaknesses Aptitude Test This 84-question computer-based assessment has students read statements and rate how closely the statement describes them to identify their areas of strength and weakness.
Student Interest Survey for Career Clusters 2005 This 112-item checklist assesses the student's level of interest on each of the 16 career clusters and provides insight into how the student's interests align with different career paths.
Study Skills Inventory Not stated This assessment has students read 51 statements to determine which study habits they regularly use versus which study habits they rarely use.
Supports Intensity Scale 2004 This 86-item scale assesses the level of support needed for an individual to live independently and participate in community activities, including education and employment.
T-Folio 2018 T-Folio is a digital transiton portfolio for students to keep track of their projected postsecondary outcomes.
TEACCH Transition Assessment Profile: Computer Version (TTAP-CV) 2012 The TTAP was created to support the development and documentation of transition goals for students with autism and other intellectual disabilities.
Teacher Assessment to Measure Strengths, Interests, and Preferences 2013 This 8-item assessment identifies a student's areas of interest and work environment preferences.
Tennessee College and Career Planning System 2016 This online tool assesses student preferences, interests, and needs to help the student identify potential career and postsecondary education paths.
The RAND 36-item Short Form Health Survey 1992 This 36-item survey measures an individual's quality of life as it relates to his or her health and medical well-being.
TICE: Test of Interpersonal Competence for Employment N/A TICE is a comprehensive 61-item test developed to help you identify and train those people who lack the interpersonal skills necessary for employment. It can also be used to assess results of job-related social skills training. It is designed to be adminstered orally.
Transition Assessment and Goal Generator 2015 This 34-item rating scale is used to identify strengths, abilities, and goals for students with mild to moderate disabilities.
Transition Behavior Scale 2012 This assessment measures student behavior in the areas of work-related behaviors, interpersonal skills, and social/community expectations.
Transition Health Care Checklist 2009 This checklist has students reflect on their health care needs. Including what responsibilities they will be able to take on versus what responsibilities they may need help with.
Transition Planning Inventory 2014 This 57-item planning inventory compares ratings on student performance from the student, a caregiver, and the school in order to identify areas in need of planning.
Transition Rating Scale 2021 This assessment identifies students' transition skill capacities and areas of need.  There are five different versions; three for students depending upon their level of support needs, and two different version for parents to complete.
Transition Readiness Assessment for Parents/Caregivers 2020 The purpose of the transition readiness assessment is to begin a discussion with youth and parents/caregivers about health-related skills.
Transition Readiness Assessment for Youth 2020 This assessment helps youth identify what they already know about their health, how to use health care, and the areas that they need to learn more about as they prepare to transition to adult health care.
Transition Skills Checklist N/A

A checklist of skills needed by students after graduation. Includes communication, self-awareness, self-advocacy, daily living, recreation, safety, community services, and insurance sections.

Transition-to-Work Inventory 2012 Students review and rate 96 non-work activities to see which ones are preferable, and how they connect to the 16 career clusters.
VA WIZARD-Career Interest Assessment 2020 The VA Wizard Career Interest Assessment has students rank 30-different job tasks based on whether they would enjoy completing the task.
VA Wizard-Work Values Assessment 2020 The VA Wizard Work Values assessment has students categorize job characteristics by their level of importance.
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale 2005 This assessment ranges from 200-430 questions and assesses a student's abilities in a variety of academic and independent living domains.
Work Performance Evaluation Form 2005 This evaluation form is useful for teachers who have identified what the job requirements are for a student's job site. The teacher or job coach can then examine the student's performance on each job requirement and determine whether any discrepancies exist and how to address them. Published in: The New Transition Handbook: Strategies High School Teachers Use that Work!  
Work Readiness Inventory 2010

This 36-item self-report helps individuals better understand their areas of need when it comes to the six areas of work readiness.

Work-Based Learning Forms 2003

A packet of materials that includes evaluation forms to be completed by the workplace supervisor after job shadows and longer work-based learning experiences.

Your Goals and Financial Situation Assessment 2015

This 15-item questionnaire assesses an individual's goals, knowledge, and current financial situation. See pages 29-30 of the PDF for the assessment.


YouScience utilizes AI to match students with careers and education/training based on their aptitudes.

Youth Quality of Life Instrument 2002 This 15-item scale measures quality of life in youth.



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