If you are preparing to increase your students’ involvement in the community, Transition Tennessee’s Student Website has many community-based activities ready for you to use with your students. To better equip your students for successful community experiences, check out our Community-Based Activity Guide with customizable letter templates to help you plan for getting students involved in their communities. These materials are available on the Instructor Guide page of Transition Tennessee’s Student Website. 

The Community-Based Activity guide includes: 

  • Steps to create community-based activities, such as developing clear objectives for the activity, preparing students for the activity and brainstorming questions to ask community partners
  • Resources for reaching out to community partners
  • Examples of how to implement community-based activities for both employment and postsecondary education experiences
  • Guidance on extending learning after a community-based activity
  • Two letter templates that can be customized

Preplanned Community-Based Activities can be found under the Get Involved options found on Transition Tennessee’s Website for Students. 

TransitionTN Student Website