My Portfolio

Communication in College

A transition portfolio is a collection of items that demonstrate your knowledge, skills, interests, needs, and goals. Fill out the form below and use it as a starting point for a new portfolio or add it to a portfolio you already have.

  1. Enter your name.
  2. To save your form, enter your email address or your instructor’s email address. This form will only be sent to the email address you enter.
  3. Answer each question and fill out the form.
  4. Click Submit and check your email.
  5. Now you can print the document or save it as a digital file to add to your transition portfolio.​

  • Communicating Effectively about Your Disability in College

    It is your responsibility to communicate with college staff and faculty about accommodations. Communicating your needs in an effective way will help you be more likely to get the support you need to be successful in college.

    Below is a list of common college class requirements. Next to each requirement is an example of a challenge a student might have and an example of an accommodation that would help.

    1) Use this list to think about accommodations you might need if you were a college student.

    College Class Requirements Student Challenges Accommodations
    Hands-on demonstration or presentation in front of the class Has difficulty communicating verbally A communication device or smartphone application to help the student communicate
    Completing an assignment with tasks involving multiple steps Has difficulty remembering the order of tasks Written directions are provided to student by professor
    Following along with the professor’s lecture Has difficulty reading small print and seeing things over 5 feet away Preferred seating and access to notes printed in larger font
    Manually writing with a pen or pencil Has difficulty gripping small objects A notetaker to take notes for the student during class and the ability to use a computer to type assignments
    Taking 4 exams throughout the semester Needs additional time to process information Extended time and a quiet room to complete exams
    Standing for a 4-hour long lab Cannot stand for long periods of time Portable stool or chair
  • Be creative and think about what types of help, supports, or accommodations might help you handle those difficult parts of class requirements. You can ask your instructor, a family member, or a friend to help you think of some solutions. Or check out this list of College Accommodations and Services to help you brainstorm.
  • 4) How to effectively communicate your needs in college.

    Now that you’ve figured out what accommodations will help you succeed, you will need to communicate with college staff and faculty in an effective way about the accommodations and supports you may need. Here are some tips for what to say and how to say it:

    Bad Example: Sending your professor an email saying: “Hey, I have a really tough time with taking notes. It’s too hard for me. What are you gonna do to fix that?”

    Good Example: Sending your professor an email saying: “Hello Professor (their last name), this is (your name). I hope you are doing well. I wanted to let you know that I will be requesting notetaking accommodations through disability services for your class this semester. This accommodation will help me get all of the information I need from your class. Are you available to talk before the semester begins to discuss a plan for this accommodation in your class? Thank you. Sincerely, (your name).”

    Now it’s your turn to write what you would say!

    Effectively Communicating Needs in College:

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