EnvisionIT (EIT) is a free, evidence-based, standards-aligned, college and career readiness curriculum for 21st century students in middle and high school. EIT is a teacher-guided, digital curriculum for students with and without disabilities focused on helping students develop key literacy and career skills needed for the 21st Century workplace. This curriculum is designed to teach fundamental skills to students with and without disabilities in transition planning/career readiness, information technology literacy, reading/writing, and financial literacy.

Link to the Publisher’s website: https://nisonger.osu.edu/research/envision-it/what-is-envisionit/

Here is a handout from the publisher for more information: https://transitiontn.org/vr/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/EnvisionIT-Handout-2020.pdf


Quick Facts

This Curriculum Covers: Job Exploration Counseling, Workplace Readiness Training, Work-Based Learning, Postsecondary Education Counseling, Instruction in Self-Advocacy

Link to Curriculum: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-1fYtMRn4_qM0R4YUhZM2dwYXM

Contact Info: transitions@osumc.edu

Has Been Formally Researched: Yes

Research Summary:

Lombardi, A., Rifenbark, G., Tarconish, E., Volk, D., Monahan, J., Buck, A., & Murray, A. (2020). Main and Moderating Effects of an Online Transition Curriculum on Career Readiness. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 2165143419900952.

Students with and without disabilities (n = 816) in general and special education settings in Grades 9 through 12 were participants in a quasi-experimental design to examine the main effects of Envision IT on career readiness. Results showed a main effect across settings (general and special education, self-contained, resource rooms) as well as differentiating effects based on teacher fidelity and the number of lessons taught. All students who received the intervention showed significant gains in self-reported career readiness scores as compared with their peers who did not receive the intervention.

Price: $0

Payment Type: Free

Released: 2007

Accessible For: Contact curriculum publisher for more information

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