The LCE curriculum is research-based and developed by a CEC-led task force. It is designed for students who have learning disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and students whose ability to live independently is in question. LCE identifies three critical domains for adult living in the 21st century – daily living skills, self determination and interpersonal skills, and employment skills. LCE helps you better use technology effectively in instruction, provide alternative instructional strategies to accommodate student’s needs, monitor student progress online, deliver focused explicit instruction across all curricula areas, enable teachers and students to track assignments and progress online, and link your instructional objectives with the Common Core.

Quick Facts

This Curriculum Covers: Workplace Readiness Training, Instruction in Self-Advocacy

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Has Been Formally Researched: No

Research Summary:

There is no published research on this curriculum.

Price: $800

Payment Type: Subscription, Per Classroom

Released: 2012

Accessible For: Contact curriculum publisher for more information

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