T2L is a self-directed program providing high school students with the skills they need to transition into adulthood and includes the curriculum content you need to meet federal mandates.
The program is print-friendly, independent and self-paced. Teachers and parents have the option of using the program as a one year curriculum or as stand-alone units to meet your annual IEP transition goals over the three-year transition period.
The units and suggested resources including transcripts, IDEA laws, IEP’s, voter registration cards, ATM cards, etc., provide students with an individual resource book that will guide them through college, employment and young-adulthood; all while meeting federal standards for transition services. Parent letters, easy grading system and pre-written ITP goals provide you with verification and optimal accountability.

Quick Facts

This Curriculum Covers: Workplace Readiness Training, Postsecondary Education Counseling, Instruction in Self-Advocacy

Link to Curriculum: http://transition2life.com/

Contact Info: http://transition2life.com/contact/

Has Been Formally Researched: No

Research Summary:

There is no published research on this curriculum.

Price: $35

Payment Type: One Time Payment

Released: 2009

Accessible For: Contact curriculum publisher for more information

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