What are career speakers:  

Career speakers are individuals that give a presentation about a specific job or career. Career speakers may present for a small or large group of students, but each presenter may have a preference. These sessions are both motivational and informative.

This presentation shouldn’t last longer than an hour. Career speakers may choose to use pictures of individuals engaging in work tasks, office spaces, and even demonstrate some of their work on their computers. Career speakers may also bring in tools used at the worksite, and do a job task demonstration. Career speaker presentations can provide students with a unique, first hand perspective on their career.

What information can career speakers provide:

Students can take what they learn from career speakers and use it as a starting point for additional career exploration. While career speakers can provide in-depth information, students will still need to do further research on careers. Career speakers have a great amount of experiential information to provide students. Here are some suggestions for topics for a speaker to present on:

  • Journey to My Job
    • This presentation could include the different paths that it took to make it to a job from education, training, volunteering, and additional experiences that lead to securing their job.
    • Encourage the career speaker to show pictures or hold a demonstration of the kind of work they do on a typical day.
    • The presenter can share what experiences were most helpful and suggestions for things they would have done differently.
  • A Day in the Life of a ________
    • A presenter in a specific job role can share about the specific job tasks that are involved in their day-to-day work.
    • They may talk about basic operations, scheduling, equipment they use, office culture, company benefits, other people they work with, and job expectations.