There are many ways service learning can be incorporated into Pre-ETS instruction. As a provider, you may initiate and provide service learning opportunities, but it is also possible that students may already be involved in a service learning activity. Service learning activities involve a structured, reflection component that should be highlighted during your instruction. You can use your instructional time to connect what they learn during their service to exploring job options and providing work-based learning experiences.

  1. Developing work skills.

Guide students to reflect on the types of tasks they do at their service learning site and what work skills they have or are developing through service learning.

  • What skills do they have that they bring to service learning?
  • How do they communicate with others during service learning? Who do they primarily work with while on site?
  • What types of work-related tasks did they develop during their experience?
  1. Reflect with students on their PINS and how they used them during service learning.

Guide students to reflect on their preferences, interests, needs and strengths as they relate to their service learning experience.

  • How does the service learning project match their goals and interests?
  • Do they prefer working with adults, children, the elderly, animals, or nature?
  • How did they show their strengths during their Service Learning project?
  1. Create artifacts that demonstrate the long-term commitment to service learning projects.

If students are engaged in service learning projects in our outside school, support students in creating artifacts that will demonstrate their ongoing learning and enhanced community responsibility. Sample artifacts could include:

  • Photographs from service learning sites
  • Written or video reflection
  • Notes or feedback from a supervisor, colleague, or customer

Example: Weekly Babysitting Event

If students’ service learning project is to host a weekly babysitting event, you will want to make sure you support it through activities related to Pre-ETS.

Develop a plan for the event

  • For example, students decide on a date and time for the babysitting event and email flyers

Identify soft skills and technical skills needed for the event

  • Soft skill example: Communication with parents
  • Technical skills example: Students supervising children will need to be CPR certified

Reflect on the event – Successes and Challenges

  • Example of challenge identified: Students did not have enough activities for the children they were babysitting so the children became bored

Problem-solve challenges and make improvements

  • Example of improvement plan: Students plan more activities and design a more structured schedule for future events

Review and reflect on what students learned about work by participating in service learning

  • Example: Students learned that time management, organization, and communication are important factors when working with others