
Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act guarantees reasonable accommodation to ensure equality in the workplace. Title II of the ADA applies to state institutions of higher education. Employees, students, employers, and school representatives are often unsure of their respective roles in disability disclosure and reasonable accommodation. As educators, it is important to understand the rights and responsibilities students have in seeking accommodation to ensure their successful transition. We must also be ready and able to support our students as they become self-advocates.

Participants will come away with an understanding of how to ensure that their students are treated in an ethical, valued, and courteous way when disclosing their disability and the need for accommodation.

Presenter Bio:
Barry Whaley works at the Burton Blatt Institute, Syracuse University. He is the Co-Principal Investigator and Project Director of the Southeast ADA Center, Principal Co-Collaborator with the University of Leeds (UK) Inclusive Public Spaces project, Co-Collaborator with the University of Queensland (AU) Gender, Equity, Disability, and Social Inclusion Mainstreaming Short Course, and Principal Investigator of the Mid-Atlantic Youth and Self-Advocacy project.

Pam Williamson serves as the Assistant Director of the Southeast ADA Center, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University.

The Southeast ADA Center is a member of the ADA National Network and is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, a Center within the Administration for Community Living located in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.