Transition TN’s COVID-19 Response
Amidst coronavirus, Transition TN will continue to be a support to the dedicated educators and providers throughout the state of Tennessee. During this period of remote work and social distancing, we encourage you to take time to earn professional development credit by going through modules, to learn about best practices and how you can infuse them into your classes, and to join in on webcasts that offer insightful and relevant information for your students. We are also offering remote support to educators and Pre-ETS providers in different ways. Check out information below on how Transition TN can assist you with transition-related needs.
Follow us on social media for resource and information updates!
Twitter: @tn_transition Facebook: Transition Tennessee Vanderbilt University
How Can I Take My Transition Instruction Further During This Time?
So often we don’t have time to do all of the great things we hear about to improve our transition instruction. Check out what Transition Tennessee has to offer to help you prepare for returning to your students.
Courses: Our courses are developed with Educators and Pre-ETS providers as the intended audience, however the information within each applies to anyone involved with transition instruction for students with disabilities.
- Educators:
- Pre-ETS Providers:
Supplemental Materials: Each course provides downloadable materials that can be used to share information with families, students, and other instructors.
NEW! Curriculum Database: This database includes over 60 different curricula covering Self-Advocacy, Work-Based Learning, Postsecondary Education Counseling, Job Exploration, and Workplace Readiness.
Assessment Database: This database includes over 100 assessments that relate to Transition Domain, Assessment Focus, and Assessment Approach.
New Webcasts: Check the webcast page each month for registration details.
Archived Webcasts: Features experts and outstanding educators who share detailed information on supporting individuals with disabilities as they transition to adulthood.
Archived Virtual Transition Fairs!: Features agencies and institutions from around the state of Tennessee providing information about what services and supports they provide for individuals transitioning out of high school. Find registration info for upcoming fairs on the transition fair page. Also find the archive of past transition fairs for videos and resources on three topics: Inclusive Higher Education Programs, Postsecondary Education Resources, and Employment Programs and Resources.
Archived Forums: Features virtual discussions with educators and providers from around the state on resources and innovative practices during this distance learning period.
New Service-Learning Resources Document: This resource defines service-learning, explains how to set up a project, suggests ideas about how to implement during COVID, and lists some example adaptations and accommodations for service-learning experiences.
How Else Can Transition TN Support Me?
We are still available to answer your transition-related questions or to connect you with needed resources! Although we can’t meet in person right now, we are happy to correspond via email or meet via Zoom to provide you and your fellow educators with transition-related assistance. Also be on the lookout for our upcoming online collaboration opportunities and webcasts.
Contact us:
Pre-ETS Providers:
How Can My Students Use this Time Productively?
There are many skills that parents/caregivers can work on at home with their children with disabilities. Teaching students how to cook basic meals, how to deep clean a room or bathroom, how to make a budget, and so much more are just a few things that we all have to do on a daily basis. Leveraging this time to have students work on these skills in a natural setting is great way to ensure students are still learning independent living skills, even if they aren’t in the classroom.
Click here for a list of activities and resources. Check back regularly for new resources. Note: This link is to a Google Doc that will be updated weekly.
Are You Looking to Share Information with Your Student’s Families?
Click here for a list of downloadable materials on our website that are specifically targeted at helping families navigate the transition process with their students.