The Transition Skills Activities instruction resource consists of more than 250 lesson activities linked to the assessments found in the Transition Skills Inventory. Lessons offer modifications to fit interests and ability levels and cover post-secondary, independent living, and community participation skills. Educators use the TSA when delivering instruction inside the classroom and out in the community, and higher functioning students record their work in the TSA Student Book. The TSA is often used in tandem with the TSI to meet Indicator 13 requirements.

Quick Facts

This Curriculum Covers: Job Exploration Counseling, Workplace Readiness Training, Postsecondary Education Counseling

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Has Been Formally Researched: No

Research Summary:

There is no published research on this curriculum.

Price: $599

Payment Type: One Time Payment

Released: 2014

Accessible For: Contact curriculum publisher for more information

Connected to Assessment?