This 14-item checklist is designed for teachers and job coaches to observe the student at a job site and rate how effectively the student uses the social skills required for that job. This assessment is available in The New Transition Handbook on page 29, form 2.4.

The New Transition Handbook by Carolyn Hughes and Erik W. Carter (2012, Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.)

Quick Facts

Domain Addressed: Social Skills/Interpersonal Skills, Employment/Career Development
Pre-ETS Covered: Workplace Readiness Training
Focus: Strengths, Needs
Who Completes It: Educator
Approach: Checklist or rating scales
Cost: One Time Payment
Year: 2012
Language(s): English
Allotted Time to Complete: Not Reported
Are There Different Versions of the Assessment? No
Are Psychometric Properties Reported? No
Connected to Curriculum? No