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Types of Postsecondary Education

Learning Target

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to identify the similarities and differences between the types of postsecondary education and determine which programs can help you achieve your career goals.
Pre-ETS Connection: Postsecondary Education Counseling

Instructor Resources

Review the Types of Postsecondary Education Fact Sheet along with any other resources and complete the activity below

Think about...

  • How can the high school diploma you receive impact your college or training program options?
  • Why is it important to explore all of the college and training options before making a decision about where you want to go?
  • Why is it important to research the credentials offered by each of the postsecondary education programs?
  • What are important factors to consider when choosing a college or training program to attend after high school?
  • What actions can you take to explore more about the college or training options that interest you?


  • Practice comparing and contrasting information about different types of postsecondary education – CLICK HERE
  • Download the Graphic Organizer Activity Sheet
  • Choose the postsecondary education programs that interest you
  • Use information from a specific program’s website or information from the Fact Sheet , Role-Play Scenario, or Types of Postsecondary Education Charts
  • Organize the information by filling out the Venn Diagram or T-Chart
  • Use this tool to help you decide which option would be the best fit for you
Review the Types of Postsecondary Education Fact Sheet along with any other resources and complete the activity below


  • Download the Program Exploration Recording Form
  • Select a college or training program that you are interested in learning more about
  • Schedule an activity using resources in your local community such as touring a local college or attending a college fair.
  • During or after the activity, answer the questions on the Program Exploration Recording Form
  • Answer the reflection questions as you think about if this college or training option would be a good fit for you


  • Can the postsecondary education program support you in achieving your career goals? Why or why not?
  • What other factors besides your career goals might impact your decision to attend this program (ex: location, time, budget, admission requirements)?
  • Why do you think it is important to have career goals when choosing a postsecondary education program?
  • Why is it important to also consider your interests, skills, and potential barriers when choosing where to continue your education after high school?
TransitionTN Student Website